[update] Ladder Season 9 Starting Early December!

[update] Ladder Season 9 Starting Early December!

Update November 18

Adam Fletcher (@PezRadar) has provided more details regarding the start of Diablo II: Resurrected's Season 9. In a tweet, he confirmed that a blog post will be published on November 22, which will include specific dates for the season.

Adam also mentioned that players can expect Season 9 to begin in early December, giving us a clearer timeline for the upcoming ladder reset. Stay tuned for the blog post later this week for the full details.

Tweet by PezRadar
Tweet by PezRadar

Earlier info

On November 8, Twitter user Gökhan Bilen asked about the timing of the next Diablo ladder reset. In response, Adam Fletcher (@PezRadar), Global Community Development Director for Diablo, confirmed that the new ladder season will start later this month.

While no specific date was provided, players can expect more details in the coming weeks as the season approaches.

Updated for Cycle 1.1 Harbingers of Ruin



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