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Exploring Renown in Diablo 4

Renown in Diablo 4 is a localized point system designed to incentivize players for their exploration and achievement of diverse tasks. It operates within each distinct region of Sanctuary of 5 stages, each offering its own set of rewards. While certain rewards are applicable across all characters, others are tailored to individual characters.

How to Earn Renown

You can earn Renown by completing various discovery tasks.

Discover a New Area+5 Renown
Discover Altar of Lilith+10 Renown
Activate a Waypoint+20 Renown
Complete a Side Quest+20 Renown
Complete a Dungeon+30 Renown
Reclaim a Stronghold+100 Renown

Renown Rewards

Renown rewards are locked behind 5 stages. Each stage contains two types of rewars, one that can be claimed by each character, and one that is shared between all characaters on the same realm. The shared rewards are Skill Points, Potion Capacity, Obol Capacity, and Paragon Points.

You have to actively claim the rewards once you have completed a stage. You can view your progress and claim the rewards by opening the map.

stageaccount rewardrealm reward
stage 1+200 XP and 3,000 gold+1 Skill Point
stage 2+500 XP and 10,000 gold+1 Potion Charge
stage 3+800 XP and 25,000 gold+1 Skill Point
stage 4+1,110 XP and 60,000 gold+80 Max Obols
stage 5+1,500 XP and 150,000 gold+4 Paragon Points

