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Scoundrel's Leathers

RogueChest Armor

Scoundrel's Leathers is a Unique Chest Armor. It can only be used by Rogues.


While you have unlimited Energy from

PlaceholderInner Sight
, casting a Core Skill has a [60 - 80]% chance to spawn
PlaceholderPoison Trap
, or
PlaceholderDeath Trap
. Gain [10 - 20]% Core Skill Damage.

How to get Scoundrel's Leathers

You can farm this unique from

PlaceholderDuriel, Maggot King
PlaceholderAndariel, Maiden of Anguish
. You can also use our handy Target Farming Tool to see which dungeon is best to farm this unique.

"Rumor has it he lost them in a game of Skull & Anchor, but the boss is a devil with the dice. I think he wanted to give the poor sod something to keep him warm without wounding his pride." - Elstir
Scoundrel's Leathers
Chest Armor
  • Your Trap and Grenade Skills are also considered Core Skills
  • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Movement Speed while the Inner Sight Gauge is Full
  • +[611 - 658] Maximum Life
  • [10.5 - 15.0]% Damage Reduction from Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
  • +[31.5 - 45.0]% Inner Sight Duration

While you have unlimited Energy from Inner Sight, casting a Core Skill has a [60 - 80]% chance to spawn Caltrops, Poison Trap, or Death Trap. Gain [10 - 20]% Core Skill Damage.


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Mythic Uniques


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