Wushe Nak Pa is a Unique Glaive. It can only be used by Spiritborns.
Casting an Ultimate Skill grants or amplifies its matching Primary Spirit Hall Bonus with [100 - 200]% potency for 15 seconds. Your Ultimate Skills each gain an additional Skill Type: {icon:bullet, 1.2} The Seeker is a Focus Skill. {icon:bullet, 1.2} The Hunter is a Mobility Skill. {icon:bullet, 1.2} The Devourer is a Potency Skill. {icon:bullet, 1.2} The Protector is a Defensive Skill.
How to get Wushe Nak Pa
You can farm this unique from Lord Zir
"Fear not the limits of your flesh, Spiritborn! As our ancestors said: wushe nak pa! Transcend your being!" - Maka