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Diablo 4 Gambling Tool Guide: Maximize Your Legendary Aspect Odds

Diablo 4 Gambling Tool Guide: Maximize Your Legendary Aspect Odds

The Diablo 4 Gambling Tool on is designed to help players maximize their use of

Murmuring ObolsMurmuring Obols
, a form of in-game currency, when gambling for legendary Aspects in Diablo 4. The tool assists players in targeting specific items at The Purveyor of Curiosities to increase their chances of obtaining the desired legendary Aspect.

Here's a brief guide on how to use the tool:

Select an Aspect

The tool allows you to search for Aspects by name or description. This feature helps in quickly finding the specific Aspect you are interested in.

Searching and selecting the desired Aspect
Searching and selecting the desired Aspect

Filtering Options

You can filter aspects based on the class (Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer) and the type of aspect (Defensive, Offensive, Resource, Utility, Mobility). This filtering helps in narrowing down the aspects relevant to your character's class and your gameplay preferences.

Filtering Aspects on Class and Aspect type
Filtering Aspects on Class and Aspect type

Optimizing Odds

By identifying the right item to target for gambling, the tool increases your odds of getting the legendary aspect you seek. This is particularly useful given the random nature of item drops in Diablo 4. Note: the odds are relative to the legendary drop rate of an item.

Table with relative odds
Table with relative odds

Efficient Use of Obols

Since Obols are used for gambling, the tool's guidance ensures that you spend this currency more efficiently, potentially saving time and resources in your quest for specific legendary aspects.

Extremely Fast Obol Farming by Utilizing Instance Swapping

Extremely Fast Obol Farming by Utilizing Instance Swapping

Where to Quickly Farm Obols

To gamble often, you will need a good source of

Murmuring ObolsMurmuring Obols
. One fo the best ways to obtain these, is to complete overworld events.

You can find an overview of all event locations on our map, to quickly navigate between multiple events.

