Season of the construct Guide
Everything you need to know about the Season of the Construct

In this article
Seneschal CompanionArcane TremorsVaultsSeneschal Companion
Early on in the Seasonal Questline, you unlock the Seneschal Companion and some Governing and Tuning stones. With these Stones, you can customize your mechanical pet and its abilities.

The Seneschal Companion, cannot die in combat and scales 1:1 with your power level.
Governing Stones

Governing Stones determine the abilities your little mech has to its disposal. You can insert 2 Governing Stones out of a selection of 12 different abilities.
Governing Stones come in 2 different rarities (Rare and Legendary) and can be upgraded to rank 10. You can upgrade these by finding duplicates of the Stones you already own, adding progress to the Stone.
Finding a max level Governing Stone will grant 150 –200 Shattered Stone.
Melee Abilities
Ranged Abilites
Focus Fire
Lightning Bolt
Utility Abilities
Flash of Adrenaline
The power of Governing Stones can be augmented by inserting Tuning Stones into your Seschenal. The Stones will change the way the active abilities work, by increasing its power or altering its effects.
You can find new Governing stones by defeating Heralds of Malphas in the Arcane Tremors, Son of Malphas, or by crafting an Uncertain Seneschal Stone Cache. This Cache can give you one Governing or Tuning Stone.
Son of Malphas always drops 2-3 Governing and Tuning Stones.
Crafting a Governing or Tuning Stone will always cost 200 Shattered Stone and 20 Iron Chunks regardless of level.

Tuning Stones

Tuning Stones augment the selected abilites in unique ways. You can insert 6 Tuning Stones out of a selection of 27 different modifiers.
The Tuning Stone can be affiliated to a combination of Melee, Ranged, and Utility. A Tuning Stone will only affect a Governing Stone Ability with a matching type. For example, Piercing Support only enhances Governing Stones with the "Projectile" type.
Tuning Stones come in different rarities (Rare, Legendary, and Unique) and the Rare and Legendary ones can be upgraded to rank 10.
Finding a max level Tuning Stone will grant 150 –200 Shattered Stone.
More Rare and Legendary Tuning Stones can be obtained from Vaults, Son of Malphas, and Uncertain Seneschal Stone Cache.
Unique Tuning Stones are a very rare drop (0.5%) from the Echo of Malphas. Unique Stones also have a 3% chance of dropping from the chest after the boss.
Son of Malphas always drops 2-3 Governing and Tuning Stones.
Arcane Tremors
Arcane Tremors are a new overworld event, that requires you to perform certain tasks to obtain certain Governing Stones and Pearls of Warding.

An Arcane Tremor can be identified by the green seasonal icon (similar to how Blood Harvests were shown on the map). This is accompanied by some season-specific markers, one for the Giled Brazier and one for the Giled Obelisk.

The Obelisk is the first farming target in the Arcane Tremor. These constructs are armed with deadly traps and should be carefully approached.
When you manage to evade its traps and reach the Obelisk, you can extract its Elemental Core. These Cores are used in the Brazier, to summon a Herald of Malphas.

Once you have gathered enough Elemental Cores (3 on WT1), you can search for a Brazier. With this construct, you can destroy a set of Elemental Cores, sumonning a Herald of Malphas in the process.

The Brazier also requires Shattered Stone to destroy the Cores, so make sure to always pick those up when you slay Constructs.

Herald of Malphas
After destroying the Elemental Cores and defeating a wave of Constructs, a Herald of Malphas spawns. Defeating this demon rewards you with Pearls of Warding.
These Pearls can be used later on in Vaults to receive Zoltun's Warding.

Vaults are a new type of dungeon that are unlocked in the Seasonal Questline, which house the new Construct Monster Family and special traps, called Hazards, increasing the difficulty of the dungeon.
Zoltun's Warding
An important mechanic here is Zoltun's Warding. This is a special buff players can earn by interacting with the statue of Zoltun Kulle and exchanging a Pearl of Warding for 10 stacks (updated from 3 to 10). The statue can be found at the start of a Vault. When hit by a trap, you will loose 1 stack of Zoltun's Warding! After being hit, there is a 1.5 seconds grace period before you can lose another stack.

Wardwoven Chests
At the end of a Vault, a wave of traps and monsters will challange you.
Chests will appear after completing a Vault's ending encounter. These chests will drop a guaranteed Legendary item starting from level 26+, with a 35% chance to drop another Legendary item.
After surviving this onslaught, the treasure room is unlocked. When players reach the Vault's treasure room and they have more than 1 stack of Zoltun's Warding, they can open a rare Wardwoven Chest.